+256 700957704


We believe everyone deserves the best chance in life. We are providing food, clothing, shelter, education and medical treatment (as needed), to street children living in our care, who are orphaned or abandoned by parents. These children have no other means of support and are totally dependant on us.


How do we evangelize?

Jesus' words to go into all the world and preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19-20)" lies at the heart of everything we do at Christ For All Foundation. We believe that the only hope for humanity is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Introducing someone to the transformative power of Jesus is the first step in their journey to new life. We boldly share about the love of Jesus in every project at Christ For All Foundation knowing that the greatest need we could ever meet is humanity's need for Jesus Christ.

How do we empower?

We believe that one of the greatest gifts we can give someone is helping them realize their God-given potential, value, and worth. This can only be realized by knowing the God who uniquely created them and loves them. Rewriting the story of hopelessness woven through their life by poverty, abandonment, and disease we help write the story of God's never-ending love, purpose and hope He has for them.

How do we educate?

Education, through our sponsorship program, is one of our greatest weapons to combat poverty and hopelessness in Uganda. Education unlocks a whole world of possibilities for a child born into poverty. Through our projects and our incredible sponsors, we're able to sponsor children in primary school (elementary). Not only are we able to provide life-changing academic schooling we are also committed to providing community education programs to fight against the spread of preventable diseases like Malaria.

How do we equip?

Why evangelize? Why empower? Why educate? The goal is to lead people into a life of self-sufficiency rather than a cycle of dependency on foreign aid. To develop people so they become productive, contributing members of society moving in the freedom and power of Jesus Christ. We dream of seeing multiple generations rising up to change their communities and villages in Jesus' name. A multitude of men, women, and children living in the abundant life given to them by Jesus and ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is why we do what we do.